So, like most colleges in the U.S., the official 'going out' night is Thursday in Greece. How perfect that Valentine's Day fell on this same day! There's a DJ at our school, and I don't know how or why, but anyone from the school that goes doesn't have to pay anything to get into the club he works at. Some snapshots of people looking pretty!!

Asli, Kelsey, Brittani

Dino, Jen

John, Dave
Emily, Danielle,
Dan (he's HILARIOUS. reminds me of Das. =)
on one of our explorations up the ginormous hill just outside our apt, two friendly greek boys asked if we were Americans and we had a small conversation with them. I was so excited to see kids that I took a picture, but only one of them told us his name.

friend, JIMMYS!
Jimmys: Are you from America?
Jen and I: yup!
Jimmys: Oh, well, I'm JIMMYS!
hahahaha. i'm just trying to say that he was very enthusiastic.
can't figure out how to put the caption below, but say hello to Bissell Library! Proud cover of a 2006 edition of an international library magazine (can't remember the title...), and decent replacement for KSL. Yesterday, thinking it closed at 8:30 instead of 8:00, I got LOCKED IN. Very scary and dark, but I had my phone so eventually a security guard came and unlocked the door. KSL is 24/7. And has amazing secuirty guards that would never let anyone stay past closing. And awesome chairs. And allows food! But this one's nice too. =)

Kamara Arch. Another section of the palace that was built for the visiting Roman Emperor in 250 A.D. In modern day Greece though, this serves as the quintessential meeting place. I had to meet two unknown American girls for church, and where did we meet? the Arch!
just. breathe.
I'm beginning to realize the benefits of taking just 12 credit hours instead of jam-packing my schedule like all Case students. It's a different kind of existence. SERIOUSLY. That saying "America lives to work, [Greece] works to live" is becoming truer. Even the teachers aren't as tight about time. It's refreshing!
"You have filled our hearts with wonder, so that we always remember that you and I were made to love... Even the rocks cry out, even the heavens shout, at the sound of his holy name" - Chris Tomlin (Made to Worship)
"Don't let me lose my wonder" - Kristyn Getty
whoa ... locked in da library. crazines .. i wanna try! lol ... nice pics bobae unni. hope u didnt miss ur bus da 2nd time! miss u lots! -ash
omg. that last picture...
i love those boys!!!!
i like the treeeeees. :]
it all looks so cool.... hahaha
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