Sunday, February 3, 2008

first day

i'm here!!!
the flight was long and i was so excited they served tea on British Airways that I drank 2 full cups before realizing I normally NEVER drink that much caffeinated anything and then couldn't fall asleep for most of my plane ride. =)

my roommate is not here yet, and school actually doesn't start for another week! We have orientation beginning Wednesday though, which includes the much-talked about trip to IKEA. That will be interesting!

two sad things: 1. the dollar is so incredibly weak compared to the euro - i was shocked at the difference. so while a 4.50 euro dinner sounds like a great deal upfront, i think i'll find myself recalculating often. 2. my boiler doesn't work yet! very very very cold in my room. colder than outside. (i'd say..lower 50's in my room, and upper 50's outdoors.)

i always like picture updates - so here are some!!


beds; the desk and cabinet is for both me and my roommate.

i can't seem to put captions next to the pictures, but from left to right, top to bottom:
-first dinner's salad, fries, fried eggplant (GOOD!), and yummy yummy baked bread
-meat-a-mania with meatballs, chicken, lamb, sausage. and fries.
-the harbor at night
-the view from my balcony!! =)
[K. how was the retreat???]


hannah said...

AHHHH!!! i canNOT believe you're THERE!!! tooo cool for school man!

choe890 said...

:D glad to hear u made it there alrite! miss u lots .. update! i'll email u soon .. since my life has FINALY been interestin. :) -ash

MiSURA said...

your shower is so.... revealing. haha.

koinonia retreat was ssoooo grrreat ! i'll write you an email about it. of course i'll blog about it, too. ^ ^