I was very very excited for this - mainly cuz I've wanted to go scuba diving my entire life!!! It was definitely memorable - though it rained the whole time - and I think I'll be doing it again while I'm here. =)

ewwwww wet suits. I couldn't really breathe in mine. way too tight. but it kept us warm! On top of this, we had to wear a 15 kg. weight belt and a pretty hefty oxygen tank. and masks. all in all, everything was so tight that i felt my air passages were half their normal size. hahaa

that's me! they took underwater pictures, and videos!
Cool fish that we saw. =)
Me...and then the instructor that was holding me in place. I kept plopping down on the ocean floor and couldn't get up cuz of all the weight! Thank goodness for the guy that helped me and propped me back upright.
We were really only under water for 30 minutes, and I definitely had a couple panic attacks, but all I could really do was tell myself "breathe! juuuust breeaathe." =D It was pretty awesome!!
hahahaha sounds phun!! one of the things i wanna learn in life is suuuuuurf. :D maybe this summer .. hahaha. scuba divin looks phun. i liked yo videos. :) miss u lots bobae unni!! check yo email .. sent u sumthin.
wowww underwater videos... that is awesome =)
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