Saturday, July 19, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Athina + Kriti
After Florence was a couple weeks of school, and THEN Rachel and Hannah came to visit. It. was. incredible! I was so excited, and STILL can't exactly believe, that we were all in Europe together!!
First, we met in Athens, and for most part of our time there, we were all infected with this lazy attitude. Until of course we ate! But the best part about Athens was going to the rock where St. Paul preached and really having it sink in that he was there!! He writes so much of the new testament, and realizing that he was alive and spreading the gospel right there was an awesome thought.
From Athens we took a magnificent night-ferry [it was like a cruise ship!] to Crete, which was the highlight of EVERYTHING europe for me. We had planned on hiking the Samaria Gorge, but oil strikes and lack of transportation prevented us from ever gettting there. But maannnn our hotel was amazing. And it was only 15 euro /night!! Ok, we have so many good pictures from here that I have limited posting-issues.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Florence is famous for the Uffizi that has Michelangelo's David on display- but the line is intense and we skipped out on the museum in exchange for the replica.
In this same plaza, there was an AMAZING guitarist. Many thanks to Hannah's 2gb memory card that caught a snapshot of how awesome he was. [Sorry it's side-ways.]
We also had 2 exciting eating experiences: 1. We shared a florentine steak, and shrimp tagolini - both were greeaat. 2. we had a wine and cheese party! Which was actually supposed to be grape-juice and cheese cuz I just really do not like the taste of wine, but apparantly, wine comes in cardboard containers! I didn't read the label and just figured the 85 cent carton had to be juice, and then it was too late.
this is our food
this is us
this is our view of Florence!!
study time yet again. T-20 days.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Things we could've done would be: climb to the top of the church in St. Mark's Square, and ride a gondola - but both of these cost some, and when everything's in euros, it seems much more expensive!! [p.s. i love being in the states using the dollar. I feel like everything is very cheap.]
ok! study time. =]
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The night I got to Rome was spent on the airport floor. With little sleep I wasn't too enthused to venture into the city, but it was completely worth it. My favorite part was probably walking through The Forum, where the ancient Romans used to live, gather, chat, etc... I was trying to imagine what it might've been like to be Roman in Byzantium, which is what movies like Gladiator are good for! hahaha. But really, maybe it's like being American now. I wouldn't have realized it before, but it is truly a blessing to 1. have a US passport 2. speak english 3. live in america. We can do just about anything with those three things. The Spanish Steps were also beaauutiful.
Friday, May 30, 2008
This happened TWICE in France. 1st - Eiffel Tower. 2nd - Garden of Versailles.
List of things done would include...
Obelisk: I don't really know....obviously something Egyptian! [no picture..]
Eiffel Tower: day AND night.
i have 2 finals and a paper due today! this was my break. tiiime to work!
only 1 week left. CRAZY.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
the view from our hostel BOAT! We were only there for one night, but it was really comfortable.
other than the 2 museums, we also went on a boat-tour [we couldn't get all the way out to the archipelago] and then just to see the 'old city' we rode a public bus from its starting point, back to its starting point.
We were also there on the NICEST/warmest day! That was a huuuge plus.